South African Predator Association
13 Sept 2016
SAPA and its members have increasingly become the target of malicious and deliberate attempts to portray the lion industry as unethical and those involved in this industry as bloodthirsty people without conscience. The sharpened attacks by recent television programs like Carte Blanche and BBC News and re-run of "old" footage are impeccably timed to try and sway the vote of delegates attending the CITES CoP 17 conference.
SAPA and its members have increasingly become the target of malicious and deliberate attempts to portray the lion industry as unethical and those involved in this industry as bloodthirsty people without conscience. The sharpened attacks by recent television programs like Carte Blanche and BBC News and re-run of "old" footage are impeccably timed to try and sway the vote of delegates attending the CITES CoP 17 conference.
The reality of the situation is that these very people who choose to sensationalise this "news", which actually took place in 2012, do have access to the real facts and are fully aware that the hunt in question was legal, had all the permits required by law and that it had taken place within the bounds of the law. Unfortunately these facts would not elicit the emotional response they require, so they choose not to mention them.
SAPA undertook to investigate the incident, to which end they appointed an independent consultant to do the investigation and compile a factual report. This report has confirmed the facts stated above.
So much has changed since 2012 that it is almost inconceivable how people refuse to acknowledge the huge strides that have been made by SAPA and its members, in co-operation with national and provincial government departments, to "clean up" the industry and root out all unethical practices. We invite anyone who is committed to the truth to read our Code of Conduct, Constitution and Norms and Standards.
The captive-bred lion industry has been placed under the microscope, but unfortunately people are still being fed lies and one has to question why, if there is so much wrong, the only footage they use is historic.