South African Predator Association
20 Nov 2016
The South African Predator Association(SAPA) has taken note of a press release ("HUNTERS ASSOCIATION TO DEFEND ITS DECISION ON CAPTIVE-BRED LIONS- NEWS24") issued by the Professional Hunters Association of South Africa (PHASA). SAPA is of the opinion that some people may find the choice of words in the title of PHASA’s press release somewhat misleading. SAPA wishes to make it clear that it had no participation in any court proceedings.
The South African Predator Association (SAPA) has taken note of a press release ("HUNTERS ASSOCIATION TO DEFEND ITS DECISION ON CAPTIVE-BRED LIONS- NEWS24") issued by the Professional Hunters Association of South Africa (PHASA).
SAPA is of the opinion that some people may find the choice of words in the title of PHASA’s press release somewhat misleading, as it may suggest that SAPA is in some way involved in a court action. SAPA wishes to make it clear that it had no participation in any court proceedings. It is entirely an internal dispute between disgruntled PHASA members and the executive committee of PHASA.
SAPA and PHASA have struck a gentleman’s agreement not to attack each other in the press, but to resolve difficulties the responsible way – around a table. It is therefore perturbing to SAPA to read in PHASA’s press release, "SAPA has failed to convince it (PHASA)…. of the conservation value of captive-bred lions."
SAPA has not yet been afforded the opportunity to present proof of the success of its efforts to the members of PHASA, so it is unclear how SAPA could have "failed."
SAPA calls on the exco of PHASA to clarify the nature of the court proceedings involving them and to state categorically that it in no way involves SAPA or concerns captive-bred lion hunting. The South African Predator Association is not involved in PHASA’s internal difficulties and wishes to remain so.
We also urge PHASA to make every effort to resolve the difficulties within its ranks. PHASA is a flagship organization in the South African hunting milieu and any damage it suffers due to infighting will be detrimental to every true hunter and conservationist in South Africa.